You matter. You are valued. You belong.
Imagine graduating with skills that actually apply to the real world. At Link Learning, not only will you complete your high school requirements in an environment that best fits your needs, you’ll also get career training that prepares you for life after graduation. If you're entering grade 9 or higher and age 14-21, we're here to support you.

What can I expect when I start?
You’ll receive:
Free use of a laptop
Internet service
One-on-one teacher student access
Online classes
Drop-in centers statewide

What will be expected of me?
At Link Learning, we embrace the fact that every student who walks through our doors is original, has their own dreams, and learns at their own pace. No matter your story, you have a place here. If you’re ready to overcome the barriers between you and graduation, Link Learning is ready to help.
With your personalized plan we set expectations to help you stay accountable to your own success. With ongoing online or on-site check ins, we help you stay engaged. As with any program, students are expected to work hard, stay on pace, and reach out for extra assistance at any point you are feeling overwhelmed. We know life can be complicated and no matter what your circumstances, we are here to help.
All students are expected to:
Work on one course at a time to help stay focused and ensure success
Make 25% progress in class each week to keep on track to finish a course in one month (or 5% per day if you log in five days per week)
Check in with a teacher for two-way communication twice per week

What past and current students have to say:
Students strongly believed they would graduate high school
Believed finishing school would make a big difference in their lives
Believed they could succeed at
Link Learning
Strongly believed that they had a better chance of succeeding at Link Learning than if they were at a different school
Indicated that teachers cared about them, believed in them, worked hard to make sure they didn’t drop out, and provided the help they needed